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Workshop Letter

Dear __Grace________:

This is a story about :_Cyberknife and his adventures on planet Earth __

I particularly enjoyed: the development of cyberknife as a character as he starts to learn more about Earth, as the more he learns about Earth the more he begins to appreciate the planet which in many ways is better than the home world where he came from. I really also like the touch of him slowly integrating to the human society by learning through human contact with very friendly and kind people.

I am really proud of myself that the story that I've wrote makes sense and I am relieved that readers can actually understand the plot.

explaind explore unknown places as a scientist and an explorer. This I very similar to Cyberknife since he is tasked to explore an unknown planet gathering new information as he goes on exploring the planet. ________

I've tried my best to write out a character that readers can relate to, so that they would be more interested in this story.

The character seems ___To me personally the character of cyberknife is akin to that of the hero’s journey’s where the hero discovers his calling and do good. But here it provides a twist where our protagonist is on the villain’s side and will eventually ascend to the side of good by learning more about the human culture and how good it is. ___________

I'm glad that they caught the twist in the plot, because I've thought a lot about how to make this story interesting.

I’m interested in ___I am interested in how will cyberknife relationship with the human gradually learning and appreciating its culture, and eventually choosing a side to whether destroy Earth or not. It is also interesting that there are many hints that the people of these planets aren’t uncomfortable with extraterrestrials. ___________

As the story proceeds on, the characters will surely warm up to each other and get comfortable with each other in their own ways.

I want to know __As I stated before there are many things that I would like to know from this story; for example, I would like to know the motive behind cyberknife boss eager of the destruction of Earth ince why would he destroy a planet that he doesn’t even knows anything about or why is the human on this Earth is unphased by an alien etc.__________

As the story goes on, there will be hints that explains why the main character's boss wants to destroy the planet as the main character sends information to him. But, at the beginning of the story, it is also hinted that the boss might want to destroy Earth just because humans might be a threat to his own people since their technologies aren't too ahead or behind.

I don’t want to know __There are many questions from this store that is still unanswered an none of which I am put off from so there won’t be anything that I would like to know. _____

I would like to see ____I would like to see character development in cyberknife and a bigger expansion of the world of this version of Earth_____________

There will be more character development as the story goes on.

My advice you going forward in the rewrite is ___My advice for the rewrite was what I felt like this story is too rushed at the beginning of the story to cyberknife arriving on Earth.___________


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