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Gene Therapy Only

In the field of medicine, there are rapid advancements happening every day. Genetic engineering is one of the advancements developing today and gene therapy is being developed to use it for curing diseases without affecting their next generation. Although some people would say that all of genetic engineering should be allowed, gene therapy should only be used because they don't affect future generations.

Gene therapy is currently being developed, it is safe and doesn’t risk creating new medical problems. This is because gene therapy can be used to cure diseases and is less risky. According to research, “Gene therapy is the addition of new genes to a patient's cells to replace missing or malfunctioning genes” (Nienhuis). Therefore, this means that gene therapy only cures or prevents diseases by turning the cells back to its normal state, which is much safer because it cannot create new diseases.

Gene therapy can be seen as a source of hope for those suffering from incurable diseases. Many people wish for a better life but are limited because of disorders and diseases. An article stated that, “The advantage of the technique, is to give someone that is born with a genetic disease or who develops cancer the chance at a normal life” (Rocholl). All in all, there is hope for people suffering from disorders and diseases to lead a better life using gene therapy.

Some people might argue that all kinds of genetic engineering should be used to cure and prevent diseases, and improve humans. However, using gene editing rather than gene therapy not only would affect future generations but could cause many other concerns. According to research, “They’re worried about numerous things: genetic mistakes being passed on to the next generation; the creation of designer babies who are more intelligent, more beautiful or more athletic” (Savulescu). All things considered; gene therapy would be the safest form of genetic engineering because it doesn’t affect future generations.

Gene therapy should be the only type of genetic engineering allowed because future generations don’t get affected from it. Gene therapy is safer and less risky than other forms of genetic engineering for treating medical problems, it also gives people hope for a better life free from diseases. Even though some people might not agree with only using one type of genetic engineering, gene therapy would be the safest because they don’t affect future generations. Using gene therapy effectively in the near future could make a lot of people’s lives much better without having to worry about new medical problems.


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